Allergy Treatment
We are pleased to introduce you to a technique known as NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) a wonderful combination of eastern medicine and Chiropractic where we can evaluate sensitivities to foods, chemicals, environmental factors, and even emotions just to name a few.
• Tired of reading labels on everything you eat?
• Avoid the allergen the rest of your life? Seriously?
• Wouldn’t it be nice to stop worrying about the kids accidentally eating or touching an allergic item!
• Looking for peace in an allergic environment?
Why should you pick Dr. Pack?
He uses a technique known as NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) a wonderful combination of eastern medicine and Chiropractic where he can evaluate sensitivities to foods, chemicals, environmental factors, and even emotions just to name a few. Dr. Pack has not only addressed hundreds of allergy related conditions ranging from A-Z but has personally trained under Dr. Devi Nambudripad, the author and founder of NAET.
What does it cover? NAET evaluation involves testing sensitivities related to how the brain perceives various energies (food, chemicals, environments factors etc.) will affect the body. It is a blend of eastern medicine, kinesiology and chiropractic without the use of needles, scratch tests or machines.
How will it affect me? Looking for peace in an allergic environment? Are you tired of checking labels on everything you eat? Wouldn’t it be nice to stop worrying about the kids/grandkids accidentally eating or touching something they’re allergic to! Are you frustrated being told that “you’re just going to have to avoid that the rest of your life or hope that you grow out of it”. There are some wonderful protocols to address allergies that are not Main Stream medicine and NAET has proven to be one of the most affective protocols out there for so many conditions.
What are the symptoms? Millions suffer from allergies and although there is much unknown about them there is much that can be affectively done to reduce their affects. Many people are unaware they have a weakened immune system leaving them vulnerable to allergy sensitivities ranging from food, chemical, environmental factors and even emotions. Potential symptoms often involve muscle weakness, loss of energy, skin conditions, organ related pain, anaphylactic reactions, emotional disorders, digestive issues, pain etc just to name a few. There is even a world wide study going on concerning the positive affects of NAET and autism. If the brain perceives something is potentially harmful it will do whatever it can to protect the body. An allergic reaction is a way the body uses to attempt to rid itself of what the brain perceives as a potential harmful substance/condition.