Muscle Activation
Why should you pick Dr. Pack?
He’s been in practice for 30+ years having diagnosed and treated hundreds of patients. He listens to what patients have to say because, even though his training guides his practice, he realizes that patients often have a very good sense (gut feeling) of what they feel is contributing to their condition. His experience has taught him that paying attention to the examination findings coupled with insights from the patients thoughts and feelings have proven to be very effective in helping patients attain increased health and well being. “I believe that patients very often receive personal inspiration concerning their own health and that a doctor who listens carefully can receive greater insight as to what skills and training he has that can/cannot help that patient increase their health and happiness.”- David C. Pack, DC.
What does it cover? Muscle Activation is a wholistic blend of eastern medicine and Chiropractic where we isolate the weak muscle(s),apply the treatment protocol, and strengthen the muscle right there on the table. The best thing about it is the patient can feel the difference immediately.
How will it affect me? Muscle Activation technique is a very simple concept to understand. When a muscle is injured due to exercise, trauma, accident or overuse it “shuts down”. It’s similar to what happens to the electrical breaker in your home when the power surges and trips the breaker in order to prevent a fire hazard. Muscles have a safety mechanism kind of like that in order to not damage itself completely. Often There’s nothing physically wrong with the muscle when that happens it’s just that once it takes on 30, 50, or 80% of what it normally can do it requires the help of neighboring muscles to kick in and help it out or in other words the other muscles adapt to perform movements that they normally don’t have to do. When that happens the pain goes away temporarily and we think the problem is gone. But after a while the adapting muscles can’t hold up and the problem returns sometimes with Wider spread stiffness, ache and pain
What are the symptoms? Pain, weakness and loss of full function of the back, neck, shoulders, hips, knees, elbows, wrists, hands ankles and feet. Recent injuries/pain or long standing conditions that just haven’t been resolved are what we focus on. Vertebra that have been “adjusted” over and over for years that don’t seem to stay in place and continue to cause the same pain/problems not getting resolved.